Day 2
It is 9:00a.m. Friday New Zealand time which means somewhere along the way I lost a day. Outside the plane window I caught a glimpse of the South Islands snow capped peaks rising out of sanguid blue waters, rippling brown hills roll off into the distance, below is my NZ.
I feel pretty good, thanks to a sleeping pill last night, surprisingly awake. Ready for what I am not sure. No place to stay and a whole new world to explore, one step at a time I remind myself. I wander the Wellie airport still not quite believing I am here. I almost forget to p u my luggage. Rollin, rollin, rollin keep that luggage rollin I delicately balance my pile of luggage while trying to keep my backpack from sliding off my shoulder. A cool welcoming breeze buffets me as I exit the sliding doors. After a few inquiries I am off to a Backpacker's, the Kiwi version of a hostel, in the shuttle van.
It is a beautiful sunny day and my batteries are fully charged. I disembark at Nomads Hostel and am immeadiately struck by the number of young people checking in. I suddenly feel very old and out of place. Mike at the front desk greets me with a warm smile as I inquire about a room the cheapest is dorm style @ $27/night. "No worries" Mike assures as he hands me the plastic pass and a dinner voucher. One catch, the room won't be ready until 1:00p.m.
"You can throw your bags in the storage room and make yourself at home" He points me in the direction of the common area. I change in the laundry bathroom and although I am in need of shower I feel pretty good. A chalk board in the lobby catches my eye. It reads
Deano's Wellie film tour join our enigmatic host for a Lord of the Rings film locations, studio and Wellington sights tour. Bus leaves at 11am.
I glance at my watch it's just before ten, Mike books me a spot on the bus - cool this is going to be fun.
The bus turns out to be Deano's wife's Toyota van, there are only two of us, myself and Sarah a 26 yr old net ball coach from England on a working holiday. We hop into Deano's van and get a brief overview of the sights we are about to see. Deano is an actor, who claims he doesn't need the money but does the tours to keep busy and amuse himself. He normally wouldn't take just two of us but for some reason he does. He had a role in Avatar ( a film which I had no desire to see, I don't share this with Deano). Our first stop is WETA the digital effects studio which did the effects work on a number of Peter Jackson films and other notables like Steven Spielberg. As we watch the studio reel in a private screening room I start to nod off, fortunately the lights come up and save the day and my dignity. Outside I step off the curb and barely miss being clipped by a car. "You've got to watch yourself a lot of the boys around here make pretty good money and drive too fast in their Italian sports cars" Deano cautions in his clipped NZ accent. Duly noted Deano.
Off to the next location we drive past Peter Jackson's house. Unfortunately he isn't home Deano continues with his tour guide monologue. I am reminded that actors do love a stage - anywhere. The sly smile belies an effervescent personality I wonder how he does this tour day in and day out. Apparently Peter Jackson plowed a lot of his own money from Lord of the Rings into the industry here building sound stages and partnering with other NZ filmmakers. At the end of the tour Deano offers a little free advice. "Don't go to sleep now wait until tonight and you'll wake up in the morning on the local time schedule."
We part company and I head up to my dorm room. I try the bed it is noisier than a trampoline, every time I move the springs sing a song. As I sort out my suitcases and fish around for warmer clothes I realize I forgot to pack my jacket. No worries I'll find something here. I saunter up Cuba Street and window shop, nothing under $300, damn why did I forget one of the most important items in my wardrobe. I eventually find a green semi-water proof fatigue style jacket in a used clothing store for $50 and I feel infinitely warmer. It is cool here Kiwi winter, day time highs struggle to reach 12 -13 degrees Celsius in the evening the temps dip to 2 or 3 degrees.
The flight and long day catch up to me and I head back to the hostel. When I get back to the room another set of luggage is parked in the far corner, apparently I have a roomie. Too tired to care I fall into bed as I drift off to sleep the lights flick on and my roomie arrives. Exhausted I roll over facing the wall and go back to sleep I'll meet him in the morning.
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